Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

yep, a lot to study over and try to understand your legend / plot definitions.

-- looks like with time the big cloud is being reduced in height(age): The early deaths of older folks takes them out of the picture so those with comorbidities at lower ages are getting taken out more.

-- it also appears that death "clouds" are evenly(Normal) distributed across age, not what I have been led to believe as the narrative everywhere is older folks are going out most. I expected a skewed death hit toward the elderly.

-- hist death rate of flu is baseline and then it jumps with each variant death cycle; sky rocketing for Omicron. So is Omicron more deadly than we have come to believe from the talking heads?

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See my comment to Helene. Remember deaths are the red dots and the red average line segments for each 30 deaths keep drifting down. As far as less elderly deaths lately there is a mix of factors including having been taken out earlier as you say, being taken out by the vax but not being positive so not on this chart (it's a C19 only chart), Omicron being less dangerous and maybe some are waking up to using early treatments.

The orange line is cases per day divided by 10 to fit on the 0-100 Y scale and roughly match the death rate stepped pyramids (that sprout up during the CO winter virus season). On the left you can see that cases have exploded but if you look carefully you can see they are now dropping. I will have another update coming to the Colorado Kids post that shows DEN area is now through the Omicron case wave.

Re the red death rate line/ pyramids, if you look closely you can see that I have annotated each step on those pyramids with the odds of death at that level which is more understandable to most people than e.g. 0.064% which via 1/x translates to 1 in 1,500.

That's easier to understand since these are yearly rates that translates to sitting in a 1,500 seat auditorium for a year and seeing one extra person die .. of the 12 that would have died anyway (e.g. in 2019)! And of course that's taking the BS numbers at face value and forgetting that maybe 15 kids would be born in the auditorium to distract you from the mostly geezer deaths (but which are now unfortunately be augmented with vax deaths).

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I wonder if you would get a clearer picture of the trend if your analysis used median and stdev of the median instead of the average due to the fact that the cloud of data points seems to span over a wider range of death age in parallel to the vaccin roll out.

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I'll do a version like that but as you can see by other posts I've been busy ;)

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Yes I believe you. I am amazed by the complexity of the analysis that you put on your site. Thanks for your work.

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I would appreciate your comments.

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See my comments to Helene and red.

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Very interesting chart, complex for sure I had to observe it for a few minutes.

Could those observations be predictive of what will sadly happen in the months and years to come.

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I'll give away one secret early: where the areas around the question marks are are likely at least partially vaccine deaths that were swept up and tagged as C19 in nosocomial infections in hospital. If they were rigorous in their cheating the hospitals would get their extra "it was covid" reimbursement $ from fedgov with an extra wink rather than having them tagged in public data like this.

They weren't expecting someone to "x-ray under the hood" like this to make what's happening pop out to the inquiring eye. It looks like there could be at least a dozen or two vax deaths on this chart attributed to that alone in the younger ages where it stands out as a pattern change as and after the vax ramps. But this is just the tip of the iceberg re vax deaths obviously.

And since there were no long term safety studies we have no idea how much worse this could get. If you have been injected then congratulations, you are unfortunately part of the long term safety study...

When the CEO of Pfizer says the vaxes "don't have the safety profile" they would like, that was a Kinsleyan slip (where a politician accidentally tells the truth).

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My oh my, there must soon be massive arrests and prosecutions for malfeasance in office

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