Larimer County in One Chart (volume set to 11)
Now with heatmapping, hospital admit age-banding and second dose analysis. It's brutal.
UPDATE 5/14/22: I have started a thread better explaining this chart by building up the layers from scratch that many will find more satisfying as it progresses…
The latest major chart I have been working on was finally outed with some degree of explication in “Covid in Larimer County in One Chart“.
With some further effort I now have a death rate heat-mapped version (by month and 5 year age bands in shades of red) with added hospitalization analysis by admissions (including showing below 60yo) as well as showing vaccine second doses. It’s now even more brutally supportive of an out-of-season vaccine related death surge in May 21 in Larimer some proportion of which were either vaccine induced or nosocomial hospital spread.
Here is the 4K pixel version as that it the way to go if you have either/both of good eyes or a 4K monitor.
And here is the HD version for those of you watching from home or phone ;)
The bottom line is that the vaccine second dose peak lines up perfectly with the May surge and not only is there a death rate bump for the May surge as previously shown but the proportion of pre-retirement hospital admissions rises as expected to match the pre-retirement deaths that appear in the May surge. (I have also put red corners on the May surge’s heat map stripe.)
The blue line and shading is cases, the filled green is second doses and the orange fill is the difference in hospital admissions between total and under 60yo’s.
Reminder: The “life age prime” deaths in the two circles should not be happening if it was just Covid — they were nearly non-existent before the vaccines in 2020. The age profile starting with the entrance of the vaccines has changed to be much more like the age profile of VAERS vaccine death reports.
I’m not done yet with this chart and will add some further VAERS correlation analysis (including heat mapping) and more explanation in subsequent posts.
Much appreciated, baizuobu.
I posted this to Steve Kirsch's Substack: Note these relevant findings from a skilled data analyst on Substack. The data visualization methods and the provision of a 4K version to view on your large screen TV are wonderful tools. Perhaps you could interview this person: